Thursday, October 8, 2009

Still alive.

I know I have dropped off the blog for the past little while. I tend to do that. I am decideing what to write and what to update. As of right now, nothing really intresting is going on. I am just working and chilling. Nothing highly interesting. I will be back when there is something more interesting to say. Just wanted to let the people who even get on here know that I am still alive. I doubt anyone even comes on here. This blog is mainly for my own entertainment.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Newest Neice

Caroline Johnson
July 31, 2009
8lbs. 13.5oz.

With her Daddy, brother Issac and sister Emma.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mexico trip again.

You all know about how I go down to Mexico and play and work with the kids at El Sauzal Orphanage. I am so super excited to go down and be with those kids again. You have no idea. I love those kids.

We are leaving again on Thursday. If anyone would like to help me reach my fundraising goal, that would be very much appriciated. It makes what we do down their possible. Any amount you can spare helps. Really, $5, $10 or whatever amount. It adds up if everyone that wants to donate even donates just a little. If you are interested what we are doing this trip, call me or message me and I will tell you about it. Though I will will update with some pictures once I get back.

I know it is short notice. Sorry.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cali Trip

Ok, so I finally downloaded my pictures from my trip. I had so much fun that I only took 6 pictures, but we are sharing amoung the family on all the pictures taken. But here are the few I took.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I went to a friends wedding reception on Saturday night. It was a fun reception. Guess who caught the bouquet! Yep, Yours truly! Well, lets see if the legend holds true. I would not mind, haha. I am not quite ready to leave my single hood behind, But it sure would be nice to have a guy in my life. I definitely would love that. ahhhhhh...I wish.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Home finally.

Well, it took us longer to get home from California. I got the stomach bug that had been floating around our family. I held out all week, But my body finally gave in and I woke up at 6 am yesterday morning and was barfing and dry heving. That finally let up around 11, But the nasua and quesyness continued. But we had to get on the road. We finally left around Noon. It was horrible the first half of the drive. I finally was brave enough to try and take some meds and see if I could hold it down and see if it would help. I was able to keep it down and that helped. My stomach was still sore. It was better when I was still. We finally made it to Cedar City around 10 pm. We were to beat, so we stayed the night there. We slept in then made it the rest of the way home. I am much better, Just super sore from all the puking and dry heving, it even hurts if I breath to deep. lol.

Well, I did not mean for this post to be such a downer. This was all just the last day for the drive home. The whole week was a lot of crazy fun. So many people running around. I will have to update again once I gather my thoughts and can decide where to start and what to say.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

California Vacation!

I am having so much fun on my vacation. It has been crazy fun. That's what you get with 7 brothers and sisters, 5 brother and sister in laws and 14 grand kids. All of which are staying under the same roof except one sister, one brother in law and 2 grand kids.

I wish I could stay here and live in this house and stay on vacation forever! I love this area and the ocean is the best. Love it. I am having such a wonderful time.

Monday, June 8, 2009


So, This boy hurt my heart! I don't think he meant to or even realizes that he did it. But he really did a number on my heart. I am trying to move on from him. I can't though. He will talk to me and make me laugh and make me smile. But I don't think he is interested in me. I am trying to move on, but its hard. Boys! What to do?!

Friday, June 5, 2009


I can't wait for Cali. It has been far to long! It will not be the same because we will not be on beach road. I miss that all the time. I really do. But I am still excited for this trip. Hopefully it will be just as fun!

Monday, June 1, 2009


I have been thinking of ways that I can be more active. I have decided that I am going to take up hiking. I know they say not to do it by yourself, but I have no one else to do it with. Plus I don't enjoy it as much when I do it with other people because I am so slow and I hate the feeling of slowing others down because of me and for making them wait for me. I will be smart about it though. I will always be careful. I will start out small and work up. I don't want to over do it. I want to enjoy it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

First day of summer brake.

I am so ready for it. I know that I should be looking harder for a job for the until my job at the preschool starts again in the fall, but I really need a break. I have my family vacation June 12Th through the 20Th. So I have decided to give myself that much time off and then hit it hard finding work. I will look every now and then and keep my eyes open. But I am going to give myself some time off. I feel I have earned it. I love those kids I work with. But working with autistic preschoolers can drain you down.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mixed Emotion.

So today was the last day of school with the kids. Now just get through cleaning day tomorrow and I will be off for the summer. I am ready for a break, But I will miss those kids. Especially the ones that are going to be moving on to Kindergarten next year and will not see. Oh man. These kids are so cute and amazing.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Always wear sunblock. This way you will not get blisters on your shoulders. I am in a lot of pain. Ouchy, ouchy, ouchy!

Monday, May 25, 2009

I love today.

I am loving having a lazy day hanging at the pool.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Good Books

I am looking for good books to read this summer. Any suggestions?

Here goes nothing.

So, my life is not terribly interesting. But I decided to start a blog. A place for me to just talk, ramble and sometimes just to get stuff off of my mind. They may not always be long. They may be very short. But atleast it could be fun.